Hello, Friends!

January is winding down, so what better time than the present to jump-start the new year with a brand new website??? So...where to start?

For those of you who are brand new to my images + blogging, WELCOME! Last year, I was Miss Tiffany Kay of Tiffany Kay Photography. Then came the engagement! 13 years into a wonderful relationship, I said "I do" to my best friend, Thorsten, and became Mrs. Tiffany Abruzzo! Happy Camper :) 

New years generally bring with them the need for improvement and change, and while I was perfectly happy with my photography business name, I saw the need for change. Now that I'm a married woman, my last name is different. I could see this becoming a slight confusion for my clients who may be communicating with Tiffany Abruzzo and being directed to Tiffany Kay Photography.

And there you have it, the story behind the move to Tiffany Abruzzo Photography! 

I would love for you to follow along with our Facebook Fan Page, check it out!

Settle in with me, it's going to be a great year!

Here are a few wedding photos from my own wedding courtesy of the AMAZING Laura Ivanova of Laura Ivanova Photography. (www.lauraivanova.com)

Our amazing wedding photography was done by the super talented Laura Ivanova of Laura Ivanova Photography! 

Our amazing wedding photography was done by the super talented Laura Ivanova of Laura Ivanova Photography! 

Tiffany Abruzzo

Eastern Shore MD Photographer │ Giving your story life with a lens and a smile.


Cabin Livin'