Roslyn H.: A Trio Tribute

  This blog post is one that is so near and dear to my heart. Gillian and I have been friends since waaaaaaay back when. Long before marriage, long before photography entered my heart as a career goal, long before home ownership or baby plans. Way back. ​

  Gil and I have been through a lot together. But it was never really just the two of us, we were usually a trio, including our good friend, Kimla. We're more than good friends, really. We're chosen family. (Which, if you're reading this girls, you know means you are SO stuck with me. Through thick and thin.)

Then Kimla up and became a Mom.

An amazing Mom to this little nugget, Cole. ​

​And then, a few years down the road, Gillian did this.

​And then, not to be outdone, I did this.

(photo courtest of Laura Ivanova Photography​)

The night before my wedding day, Gillian was supposed to fly into New York to be with Kimla and I. It was going to be the first time we'd all been together at any of our weddings, and I was so excited. I needed my girls all together. The wedding planning wasn't difficult, there were a few snags here and there, but those last few days of projects were killer and I needed my peeps :) 

And then Kimla broke the news. Gillian had called her earlier that day, crying, because she had just found out she was pregnant and she had pneumonia and was terrified of flying and something happening to the baby. She wasn't coming.​

I admit it. I'm a horrible person. The first emotion I had was not joy at the thought of Gil having a baby. It was sadness and frustration that she wasn't coming. And that I had been the last one to find out.

But I swear it didn't take me too long to stop being a jerk and get a little perspective. And then the twelve million happy thoughts of baby names, nursery decorating, baby advice from my nannying years, baby photo shoots, and the like started flooding into mind and I was completely and utterly smitten by this little person I hadn't even met yet.​ And then the countdown started until I'd be able to hold her and hug Gil. Gil, the new Mom.

Here she is, follks. My niece, Roslyn. 


​  I mean, have you ever seen such a cute face? She's adorable, I can't even take it!!! I just want to reach through this computer screen and scoop her up into her favorite spot, her "perch"... 

​^ See?

  Roslyn has a way of winning over everyone she comes in contact with, just ask her cousin Trent :)

  I can't even believe how far we've come, girls. ​Long gone are the days of three wedding banquets a shift, Sparks for breakfast (and lunch), bosses in tears + Lobster Boy giggles. Hello, elementary school, diapers + first home decorating. How did this even happen? What an awesome path we've all walked, and how lucky are we that we get a few companions to walk with? It's crazy. And so good.

  And now, a little note for a new love in my life...

 Dear Rosyln, ​

I think I owe you an apology. Just a mini one, really... Usually, your friend tells you something as amazingly life-changing as "I'm going to have a baby." and you squeal like a girl and start chattering about all of the great things that are about to happen. And for a minute there, I pushed all that happiness back and sulked. Not because I wasn't excited for you, but for my own disappointment that I didn't get the time I needed with your Mom. Silly girl, wasn't I?    Didn't I realize that those days of "friends first" were already over? Didn't I realize that that's exactly how it was supposed to be? And that's what I need you to know. From the very first second that your Mom knew about you, you were her #1 priority. She'd have done anything to keep you safe. No matter what. There was a time when Gil thought she wasn't maternal. But I always told her she was, to just wait and see. And Ros, I really, really love saying "I told you so."  

Love always, ​

Aunt Tiff

Tiffany Abruzzo

Eastern Shore MD Photographer │ Giving your story life with a lens and a smile.



Ashlee, Jared, Adam + Chase