Buttonwood Beach, MD │ Family Session

Whenever someone books a family photo session with a toddler in tow, I always wonder how in the world they are going to get it together to look presentable in front of a camera lens. Busy Mamas of the World, I salute you! Brittany and her sweet family certainly did not disappoint! Friends, just wait until you see how their little boy, Christopher lit up in front of the lens! I could not have asked for a more lovely family to photograph & loved exploring Buttonwood Beach with these three!

That little baby face, I can’t even stand it! Christopher was absolutely a dream to photograph. Such a doll baby! After a stop at the little pond area, we headed to Buttonwood Beach!

Whenever I am photographing families with young children, I know going into the session that I have to be ready for anything! Brittany wanted to give Christopher a sweet kiss and instead, he kept making kissy faces at the camera! How adorable is he??? Watch out, Mama, this boy is going to be a heart breaker!

Christopher recently celebrated his 1st Birthday! We had to take a fun prop photo and he did a fantastic job smiling at my camera while Mom and Dad stood on either side of the pier for a little added safety net!

Brittany is expecting and I had to sneak in a maternity photo or two, or three, of her adorable baby bump!

Thank you again, Naab Family, for inviting me in

to photograph your beautiful family!



Tiffany Abruzzo

Eastern Shore MD Photographer │ Giving your story life with a lens and a smile.


NC Fall Mini Sessions │ Graves Family


Adkins Arboretum, MD │ Maternity Photography