Holden Beach, NC │ Beam Family
Julia Ann, Carlos & William are old pros when it comes to photo sessions with me! I believe this is our third time together and they are always so polite, sweet & fun! Really great kiddos! Our last photo session was at Fort Fisher, one of my all time favorite locations in the greater Wilmington, NC area. This time we popped over to Holden Beach and let the kids run around like maniacs, and that my friends is how you get genuine smiles out of kids of all ages!
Julia Ann, Carlos & William are old pros when it comes to photo sessions with me! I believe this is our third time together and they are always so polite, sweet & fun! Really great kiddos! Our last photo session was at Fort Fisher, one of my all time favorite locations in the greater Wilmington, NC area. This time we popped over to Holden Beach and let the kids run around like maniacs, and that my friends is how you get genuine smiles out of kids of all ages!
Beam Family, thank you so much for inviting me to photograph your three kiddos again! Always such a nice time seeing you!
Fall Mini Sessions │ Sears Family
Whenever I get the chance to meet up with the Sears family, I jump at it! We spent the evening at Holden Beach for their golden hour photo session and it was so beautiful. Their daughter Birdie is just the cutest little thing, so bright and adorable! She makes the whole experience fun. She’s such a little ham for the camera which of course, I love!
Whenever I get the chance to meet up with the Sears family, I jump at it! We spent the evening at Holden Beach for their golden hour photo session and it was so beautiful. Their daughter Birdie is just the cutest little thing, so bright and adorable! She makes the whole experience fun. She’s such a little ham for the camera which of course, I love! I can’t believe the last time I saw this sweet pea she was a teeny tiny baby and now she’s this vivacious little toddler! Time is flying… Family heirlooms are always an important part of the Sears’ family sessions, and I love how they incorporated this sweater which was worn by Birdie’s Grandpa Mike as a child as well as this sweet little book that has been in Meg’s family for years! Little mementos like that make these photos so special. I hope Birdie is able to take photos of her own babies with these items one day!
Sears Family, it was lovely as always to see you! Hug that sweet girl of yours for me until I can get back to NC in the Spring!
NC Fall Mini Sessions │ Graves Family
The Graves Family will now and forever have a very special place in my heart. I have known Jess for years and remember when she and James were in the early dating stages of their relationship. Now look at this sweet family they have! It truly makes my heart melt. I am only now realizing that I am incredibly behind on blogging and you haven’t even gotten to see their heart-warming surprise proposal or their incredible wedding! Be sure to click on those links for a little sneak peek as I get myself in gear to blog those sweet stories! Settle in and enjoy my introduction to their newest little love, Preston in their Leland, NC Fall Mini Session!
The Graves Family will now and forever have a very special place in my heart. I have known Jess for years and remember when she and James were in the early dating stages of their relationship. Now look at this sweet family they have! It truly makes my heart melt. I am only now realizing that I am incredibly behind on blogging and you haven’t even gotten to see their heart-warming surprise proposal or their incredible wedding! Be sure to click on those links for a little sneak peek as I get myself in gear to blog those sweet stories! Settle in and enjoy my introduction to their newest little love, Preston in their Leland, NC Fall Mini Session! James, Jess, Emma & Preston, I think you are all so wonderful and I feel incredibly grateful to have been invited into your circle to photograph these special moments in your lives!
Can I just start by saying how much I love this beautiful family? Over the years I have seen their sweet Family of 3 has grown to a Party of Six! I feel so incredibly lucky to not only have been introduced to this bunch years ago, but to keep being asked back to document their family as they grow over the years. You are the best! Love you guys!