Well. This happened!

We did it folks....








We feel so very grownup! ​

  As a military brat, it's a foreign thing for me to pick out one state, and opt to throw a root or two down, but we're giving it a go!  When we (and by "we" I mean "I") decided that I needed a change of scene from our hometown in Florida, Thor wasn't the happiest of campers to say the least. But he moved, he stuck it out with me and I feel like we're doing pretty well for ourselves these days in this little town. :)​ I'm so lucky to have a man like that in my life. Love that boy.

 This house is still a work in progress, this is the fun part for me of course! Lots of pinning, online browsing, Home Goods perusing, and the like. Good times! Can't wait to show it off to you all as we get it together. In the meantime, here's a little peek: