Rhode Island │Baby Renton
There's just nothing like it. Sarah and I have been best friends since my junior year of high school in Newport, Rhode Island. 21 years later, having been through so many important life moments together, I was introduced to the new love of her life: her son, Renton. And you guys, he is perfection...
This blog post will be unapologetically long, filled to the brim with newborn photography because I was set loose in my brand new nephew's home for a few days with plenty of time to chase after him with my camera. I loved seeing my own daughter interact with him, it was just the sweetest thing listening to her speak to him with such a soft voice, kissing his baby cheeks and rubbing his little belly. One of these years, she will make a fantastic big sister (if we're lucky!) but for now, she is loving her new cousin "Baby Renton" her new "bess fen".
A month or so ago, we took a trip to Rhode Island for Sarah's baby shower and we were able to decorate Renton's nursery which I am in love with!! Really adorable. This room is so filled with love already. Definitely one of my favorite DIY projects to help out on to date!
As luck would have it, the timing of this trip for me meant that I was able to see little Renton have his first bath! He did a lot better than Isla, that's for sure. While I still don't think he was a huge fan, he did have the tiniest baby cry in the history of all baby cries, and that little pouty lip ((sigh))! So sweet watching Hess & Sarah scoop him up and comfort him as soon as they got him out of the water.
I could stare at Renton's little face for hours, and I'm fairly certain I did. It's just the most surreal thing to watch your best friend become a parent! We started our friendship just a few weeks after I learned to drive, Sarah was not even old enough to drive at that point. We went to college together, worked together, lived together, traveled across the world together, stood by each other as we went through some of the hardest moments of our lives, and now that she's celebrated with me as I became a parent, I am so thrilled to get to experience that with her.

Sweet little Renton, I could not love you more. For now, I will leave you with a little song I like to sing Isla every night at bed time, until I am able to get back to Rhode Island and smother you in kisses and snuggles:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy when skies are gray.You'll never know dear how much we love you,Until you hold your babies one day.