Halloween: Isla the Little Lamb

Halloween is definitely one of my top three favorite holidays. It's smack dab in the middle of my favorite season, you can eat candy by the bag full while passersby barely bat an eye in judgement and my fave: the costumes! Last year was my first Halloween as a Mom and I was ready to do it up! And "Isla the Flamingo" was created with a lot of hot glue, felt and feathers! 


This year, I found the cutest knit hat from Funky Baby Hats shop on www.etsy.com and knew exactly what I wanted to do. 500 cotton balls and a LOT of hot glue gun sticks later and "Isla the Lamb" was born! 

I may not know how to sew (yet) but I can wield a hot glue gun like no other ;) 

Hope you all had a great Halloween! And just for the halibut, here's a few chubby cheeked Isla pics from last year because I love her so.

Tiffany Abruzzo

Eastern Shore MD Photographer │ Giving your story life with a lens and a smile.


Fayetteville, NC: Elle & Pearce's Family Session


Fort Fisher: Moore Family