128 South Wilmington │MJ & Barnes Wedding
If ever two people existed who were perfectly suited to each other, Marijayne & Barnes are those people. Their 128 South wedding in downtown Wilmington was absolutely amazing! It is such a gorgeous venue perfectly suited to their romantic, vintage literary decor. MJ was bridal perfection, Barnes has the world's best smile and their guests were F-U-N. Definitely one of my favorite weddings to date! Congratulations to the happy couple!
If ever two people existed who were perfectly suited to each other, Marijayne & Barnes are those people. Their 128 South wedding in downtown Wilmington was absolutely amazing! It is such a gorgeous venue perfectly suited to their romantic, vintage literary decor. MJ was bridal perfection, Barnes has the world's best smile and their guests were F-U-N. Definitely one of my favorite weddings to date! Congratulations to the happy couple!
- Wedding gown by The Wedding Dress Shoppe
- Hotel accommodations The Hilton Riverside in Wilmington, NC
Groom attire by and Men's Wearhouse & Express
Boutonniere by Olive Branch Gardens of Wallace, NC
Literary wedding decor by Old Books on Front
Florals by Olive Branch Gardens of Wallace, NC
Jewelry by Kay Jewelers
Cake by Hot Pink Cake Stand
Cake topper by Etsy
I loved the herb toss! The guests really got into it, and the herb colors were beautiful to photograph in the midday sun.
If only the guests had had a little fun. I mean the stoic faces, the yawns, the faraway looks in their eyes (INSERT SARCASM HERE). This wedding was so full of joy, it is really hard not to share every image we captured, but here are just a handful of some of our favorite moments!
^ Music SO GOOD you grab your plate and dance in the middle of your meal! Ha, love this!
MJ & Barnes, thank you so much for inviting us to photograph what we hope was one of the happiest days of your life. Here's to a lifetime of marital bliss!