Holden Beach, NC │Windham Family

If you’ve been following my business for awhile now, you will recognize these sweet faces right away! I have been Elle & Pearce’s friendly family paparazzi since Stacey was pregnant with Elle. Stacey and I are good friends and I’ve loved watching her babies grow up from behind my lens. I was so happy to get together for a photo session with them at one of my favorite places, Holden Beach, while we were down for our Fall visit to NC. I just cannot believe that the two little peanuts from this family session have grown up so much!! I mean, look at Pearce’s 1st birthday Cake Smash, he was sooooo tiny! Hopefully we will catch up again in the Spring when we make the trek down to our family’s beach house again!

^ This is the face of a very happy little brother sprinkling sand down his older sister’s dress, and a very annoyed older sister! Ha!

And just for the fun of it, let’s look at these sweet babies a few years back because I CANNOT EVEN…


Windham Family, it was WONDERFUL to see you of course! Cannot wait until next time & if the world is a little less crazy you are all getting BIG HUGS! Miss you!

Tiffany Abruzzo

Eastern Shore MD Photographer │ Giving your story life with a lens and a smile.


Poplar Grove, NC│ The Spine Family


Holden Beach, NC │ Beam Family