Wilmington, NC │ Valentine Note to my Hubby
For so many reasons, big and small, wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, Babe. Thorsten Rick Abruzzo you have made our lives. I don't say it enough, but I think it about a million times a day: I love you and will love you for the rest of my life. You have made all of my biggest dreams come true.
Because you sacrifice so much to provide for us.
Because of the lost hours of sleep.
Because of diaper duty.
Because you are The Baby Whisperer.
Because you see so much on replay.
Because you humor every request for family time.
Because her eyes literally gleam when you make her laugh.
Because you trust her with bigger pieces.
Because you taught her "Jets! Jets! Jets!"
Because you are Daddy.
Because you are still here even though the baby weight still is too.
Because we drive each other nuts.
Because I cannot imagine for one second this life without you.
Because you are my rock.
Because you are my life.
Because I love you every day without question.

Happy Valentine's Day, Babe.
(and you too, Babycakes)