Holden Beach, NC │ Beam Family
Julia Ann, Carlos & William are old pros when it comes to photo sessions with me! I believe this is our third time together and they are always so polite, sweet & fun! Really great kiddos! Our last photo session was at Fort Fisher, one of my all time favorite locations in the greater Wilmington, NC area. This time we popped over to Holden Beach and let the kids run around like maniacs, and that my friends is how you get genuine smiles out of kids of all ages!
Julia Ann, Carlos & William are old pros when it comes to photo sessions with me! I believe this is our third time together and they are always so polite, sweet & fun! Really great kiddos! Our last photo session was at Fort Fisher, one of my all time favorite locations in the greater Wilmington, NC area. This time we popped over to Holden Beach and let the kids run around like maniacs, and that my friends is how you get genuine smiles out of kids of all ages!
Beam Family, thank you so much for inviting me to photograph your three kiddos again! Always such a nice time seeing you!
Fall Mini Sessions │ Sears Family
Whenever I get the chance to meet up with the Sears family, I jump at it! We spent the evening at Holden Beach for their golden hour photo session and it was so beautiful. Their daughter Birdie is just the cutest little thing, so bright and adorable! She makes the whole experience fun. She’s such a little ham for the camera which of course, I love!
Whenever I get the chance to meet up with the Sears family, I jump at it! We spent the evening at Holden Beach for their golden hour photo session and it was so beautiful. Their daughter Birdie is just the cutest little thing, so bright and adorable! She makes the whole experience fun. She’s such a little ham for the camera which of course, I love! I can’t believe the last time I saw this sweet pea she was a teeny tiny baby and now she’s this vivacious little toddler! Time is flying… Family heirlooms are always an important part of the Sears’ family sessions, and I love how they incorporated this sweater which was worn by Birdie’s Grandpa Mike as a child as well as this sweet little book that has been in Meg’s family for years! Little mementos like that make these photos so special. I hope Birdie is able to take photos of her own babies with these items one day!
Sears Family, it was lovely as always to see you! Hug that sweet girl of yours for me until I can get back to NC in the Spring!
Occoquan Regional Park Family Session │Lorton Virginia
Can I just start by saying how much I love this beautiful family? Over the years I have seen their sweet Family of 3 has grown to a Party of Six! I feel so incredibly lucky to not only have been introduced to this bunch years ago, but to keep being asked back to document their family as they grow over the years. You are the best! Love you guys!
Can I just start by saying how much I love this beautiful family? I met Katie & Mike in North Carolina for their first daughter’s 1st birthday photo session after they were referred to me by my military-brat school days friend, Molly circa 1992 or so. Friends, social media is such a fantastic thing for us military brats! I have been able to reconnect with SO many old friends because of Facebook and the like! Flash forward to present day and I have been photographing this military family from North Carolina, to Georgia and now Virginia. Over the years I have seen their sweet Family of 3 has grown to a Party of Six! I feel so incredibly lucky to not only have been introduced to this bunch years ago, but to keep being asked back to document their family as they grow over the years. You do not want to miss their last photo session when I met their newborn, Nathan! You are the best! Love you guys!
I can’t wait to see where the next years take us, Williams Family xoxo
Fort Fisher │ Merritt Family Fall Session
When a wonderful past bride, Amy, contacted me (see their engagement session here, their amazing wedding post will be up sooooooooon) to schedule a family session for her maid of honor Michelle, I was so excited! Michelle was pregnant with their little boy at the wedding, and has an adorable 3 year old daughter, Chloe who I could not wait to photograph again. They chose a favorite location, Fort Fisher, which never disappoints.
When a wonderful past bride, Amy, contacted me (see their engagement session here, their amazing wedding post will be up sooooooooon) to schedule a family session for her maid of honor Michelle, I was so excited! Michelle was pregnant with their little boy at the wedding, and has an adorable 3 year old daughter, Chloe who I could not wait to photograph again. They chose a favorite location, Fort Fisher, which never disappoints. We started our session with baby Carter, a bundle of snuggable baby thighs and the poutiest baby lips ever!
Once Chloe had finished picking out her outfit, she joined us for our little walk exploring around Fort Fisher. She couldn't wait to push the buttons on my camera (which is typically the bribe I use for the kiddos to find a little patience when the photo session is almost over) and was absolutely adorable from start to finish!
How stinkin' cute is Chloe? I asked her to show me her favorite happy face and this is what she did:
She is the best!
The sweetest moments from our fall photo session at Fort Fisher came when Chloe got to hold her new little brother all by herself. She was so proud!
Thank you Merritt Family for spending the evening with me and my camera! I loved seeing you again and can't wait until the next round! Your family is absolutely wonderful.
Richlands │Baby Kieran
Handsome little Kieran.
You may remember Katy & Peter from their recent Fort Fisher sunset maternity session (if not, you should check it out right here). Recently, I changed the way I photograph newborns in that I no longer carry a ton of props with me, or rely on baskets and bowls to tuck them into. I do think that style is adorable, but I am loving simply coming to your home and photographing how you are as a brand new family. I love to watch you interact, see how your little one snuggles into you, walk around your nursery and just photograph your baby in their most beautiful, simple light. As a parent, those first moments seemed so fleeting and I would have loved to have someone photograph our first days together just being.
Handsome little Kieran.
You may remember Katy & Peter from their recent Fort Fisher sunset maternity session (if not, you should check it out right here). Recently, I changed the way I photograph newborns in that I no longer carry a ton of props with me, or rely on baskets and bowls to tuck them into. I do think that style is adorable, but I am loving simply coming to your home and photographing how you are as a brand new family. I love to watch you interact, see how your little one snuggles into you, walk around your nursery and just photograph your baby in their most beautiful, simple light. As a parent, those first moments seemed so fleeting and I would have loved to have someone photograph our first days together just being.
Kieran, you are so very loved.
(And while I don't bring a ton of props anymore, it was VERY cool that Dad is a master carpenter and crafted unique Harry Potter wands for each of them for a little Harry Potter tribute moment in our shoot!)
Welcome to the world, little one xoxo
Fort Fisher │Family Session Andrea
Andrea and her adorable kiddos Jaimie, Connor and baby Delaney came to visit their family in NC this summer, and called me up to schedule a sunset photo session at gorgeous Fort Fisher. I swear, the most beautiful people keep booking me, would you look at these perfect little faces? Love them! Anyone who has taken a toddlers photo knows it typically involves about a million squats, and lots of sprinting, and with me, a lot of talking to your little ones to get them to open up and have some fun. I have always loved kids, and being able to photograph them as they really are, not just as they are when posed, is one of my favorite things to do!
Andrea and her adorable kiddos Jaimie, Connor and baby Delaney came to visit their family in NC this summer, and called me up to schedule a sunset photo session at gorgeous Fort Fisher. I swear, the most beautiful people keep booking me, would you look at these perfect little faces? Love them! Anyone who has taken a toddlers photo knows it typically involves about a million squats, and lots of sprinting, and with me, a lot of talking to your little ones to get them to open up and have some fun. I have always loved kids, and being able to photograph them as they really are, not just as they are when posed, is one of my favorite things to do!
Thanks for inviting me into your day, Andrea & kiddos!
Until next time, xoxo
Downtown Wilmington │The Spine Family
I tell you what, give me a downtown Wilmington early morning photo shoot with the Spine family any day! Adorable children, great parents, beautiful weather and no one out and about yet, the downtown area was basically ours for the taking. Perfect! Ashley & Joel, I loved spending time with your little family and it's such a bonus that we all happen to live in the same neighborhood with kids about the same age! Friends, Mason & Harper are about to make you say "awww" a time or two, you've been warned... ;)
I tell you what, give me a downtown Wilmington early morning photo shoot with the Spine family any day! Adorable children, great parents, beautiful weather and no one out and about yet, the downtown area was basically ours for the taking. Perfect! Ashley & Joel, I loved spending time with your little family and it's such a bonus that we all happen to live in the same neighborhood with kids about the same age! Friends, Mason & Harper are about to make you say "awww" a time or two, you've been warned... ;)
^ SUCH a Dad move, haha!
Spine Family, thank you so much for spending the morning with me exploring downtown Wilmington with your tribe! Let's repeat this in the fall, shall we? :)
Oak Island │The Steele Family
The Steele Family was due for an updated family photo shoot, seeing as our last family shoot was at Fort Fisher for Kristen's maternity photos! Time flies when you're having fun, and the next thing you know you've done Marshall's newborn shoot and over a year or so passes... Kristen and I decided to set a date and head out to Oak Island for a sunset beach session with her boys!
The Steele Family was due for an updated family photo shoot, seeing as our last family shoot was at Fort Fisher for Kristen's maternity photos! Time flies when you're having fun, and the next thing you know you've done Marshall's newborn shoot and over a year or so passes... Kristen and I decided to set a date and head out to Oak Island for a sunset beach session with her boys!
First up: Marshall!

Next is big brother, Monroe!
Joey & Kristen were great about just letting the kids be kids, even though I know the sandy clothes and windblown hair probably made them a little nervous about how the photos would turn out in the end, ha! I'd say, we did just fine!
As the shoot got going, we let the boys play in the ocean, set up the bubble machine and may have even throw a bunch of popcorn at the seagulls ;)
Kristen, Joey, Monroe & Marshall, I had such a blast with your family! Until next time xoxo
Hope Mills │ Joaquin
Keally and Chris are clients who hold a special place in my heart. You can check out their wedding, their beautiful sunflower field maternity & their newborn sessions with just a teeny little mouse click :) Last week, I was able to spend a little time with their ADORABLE six month old baby boy, Joaquin, and my camera and I are in love!!! This session was great because we didn't do a ton of poses, we simply let Joaquin enjoy the sunny day in his front yard with his parents and I snapped away at their family spending time together, my absolute favorite way to photograph family moments!
That. little.face.just.kills.me.
Keally and Chris are clients who hold a special place in my heart. This is their fourth photo shoot with me now and I've watched their lives progress from excited bride & groom to proud parents! You can check out their wedding, their beautiful sunflower field maternity session, & their newborn sessions with just a teeny little mouse click :) Last week, I was able to spend a little time with their ADORABLE six month old baby boy, Joaquin, and my camera and I are in love!!! This session was great because we didn't do a ton of poses, we simply let Joaquin enjoy the sunny day in his front yard with his parents and I snapped away at their family spending time together, my absolute favorite way to photograph family moments! Looking back at these images, I hope Keally & Chris remember how content Joaquin was to just sit in the sun, I hope they see his excitement at holding a leaf in his baby hands, or they can hear their own chuckles at fishing said leaf out of his mouth point two seconds later! Prepare yourselves for a whole lotta cute coming right at ya....
Thank you, Fowler Family!
Wrightsville Beach, NC │ Family Session Revisit with Stacey
It's so awesome to look back through an older photo session and find a new favorite or two that somehow stands out to you more now than it may have originally. These photos were so sweet when I first posted them a few years back, but looking back through them now and seeing how TEENY her kiddos were, and those "mom looks" that I see on Stacey's face as she looks at her beautiful babies, full of pride and love... these photos are so worth a little revisit. Stacey and her little tribe are some of my favorites and frequent the blog, and I may have a few adorable photos of her sister & niece when Baby Jay was soooooooo new for a little added bonus :)
It's so awesome to look back through an older photo session and find a new favorite or two that somehow stands out to you more now than it may have originally. These photos were so sweet when I first posted them a few years back, but looking back through them now and seeing how TEENY her kiddos were, and those "mom looks" that I see on Stacey's face as she looks at her beautiful babies, full of pride and love... these photos are so worth a little revisit. Stacey and her little tribe are some of my favorites and frequent the blog, and I may have a few adorable photos of her sister & niece when Baby Jay was soooooooo new for a little added bonus :)