Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo


One of the very best parts of being someone's photographer, is getting to photograph their newborn. I just can't get enough of it, really. The tiny features, the way they mold themselves into their parents' arms, the baby noises and sweet expressions. It's magic.  

  One of the very best parts of being someone's photographer, is getting to photograph their newborn. I just can't get enough of it, really. The tiny features, the way they mold themselves into their parents' arms, the baby noises and sweet expressions. It's magic.  

  Meet Emma Lynn.  

See what I mean? 


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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Quinlan + Declan M.

   Let's set the scene, shall we? Two little boys. Two bare bellies. Lollipops. Need I say more? :)

  Let's set the scene, shall we?

Two little boys. Two bare bellies. Lollipops.

Need I say more? :)


  How stinkin' cute is that? Declan, the little guy, was eyeballing his older brother Quin's lollipop something fierce! After a little taste, he opted out and back to his preferred dirt and grass handfuls, lol!  

  Aren't they just the cutest little guys? (sigh) If legal, I may have packed them away in my luggage + brought them home with me! Becca + Brian, it was so nice to meet the newest member of your family, and get to see these brothers in action. Loved them! 

^ Becca, how is it possible you look exactly the same as your Landry's hostessing days as you do years later post-2 kids???  

   Dex + Quin, you are awesome! 

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo


Over the years, through word of mouth by some amazing clients, I've made my way back into this neighborhood, not as a nanny, but as a photographer. Which is just so cool, especially because I always think I know the perfect spots to go to in their neck of the woods, and we never have to drive too far from home, (always a plus for most clients). However, this time my client, Jamie, took it upon herself to think of a great location and I'm SO glad she did. 

  A few years ago, I was a nanny for the world's best family in an awesome neighborhood called Fishhawk in Lithia, Florida. Driving around that neighborhood is always as familiar as driving around my neighborhood at home. I know the back roads to get me to their school on time if we were running a step or two behind, I know the ins and outs of every park, fishing pond, walking trail... you name it. With two kids and a few summers full of down time, you get very familiar with ways to keep them occupied. 

  Over the years, through word of mouth by some amazing clients, I've made my way back into this neighborhood, not as a nanny, but as a photographer. Which is just so cool, especially because I always think I know the perfect spots to go to in their neck of the woods, and we never have to drive too far from home, (always a plus for most clients). However, this time my client, Jamie, took it upon herself to think of a great location and I'm SO glad she did. 

  Open shade, huge trees covered in beautiful Spanish moss, it was simply perfect for their family shoot. Loved this location and will definitely try to use it in the future, it is just too pretty not to revisit! 

  Speaking of revisiting, can we just take a brief moment to look at this photo of the first photo shoot I did with Arden. Because in just a few seconds, you will see how much this little peanut has changed and I really can't keep picking my jaw up off that ground, so lets just get this over with, shall we ;)

How CUTE is she???  

  Well, it's been a few years and a few family shoots since then, and as much as I miss those adorable baby rolls ( and I really do ), just LOOK at this little cutie now. I've said it before and I'll say it again, just WHERE does the time go???   

Oh, and P.S. Jamie you are ridiculously gorgeous. It's a little unfair. Just sayin'.


^ What did I tell you about that Spanish Moss??? It's so pretty! I love the way the lens allowed me to blur it out and make it feel so dreamy and watercolored. (sigh) Love this location! 

  And I can say with 100% certainty that it does NOT hurt to have such a beautiful family to photograph. Not. One. Bit.

  Jamie + Kris, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful moments with me. I have loved getting to know your family over the years and simply can't wait for the next round! 'Til next time! 

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Roslyn H.: A Trio Tribute

 This blog post is one that is so near and dear to my heart. Gillian and I have been friends since waaaaaaay back when. Long before marriage, long before photography entered my heart as a career goal, long before home ownership or baby plans. Way back. ​

  This blog post is one that is so near and dear to my heart. Gillian and I have been friends since waaaaaaay back when. Long before marriage, long before photography entered my heart as a career goal, long before home ownership or baby plans. Way back. ​

  Gil and I have been through a lot together. But it was never really just the two of us, we were usually a trio, including our good friend, Kimla. We're more than good friends, really. We're chosen family. (Which, if you're reading this girls, you know means you are SO stuck with me. Through thick and thin.)

Then Kimla up and became a Mom.

An amazing Mom to this little nugget, Cole. ​

​And then, a few years down the road, Gillian did this.

​And then, not to be outdone, I did this.

(photo courtest of Laura Ivanova Photography​)

The night before my wedding day, Gillian was supposed to fly into New York to be with Kimla and I. It was going to be the first time we'd all been together at any of our weddings, and I was so excited. I needed my girls all together. The wedding planning wasn't difficult, there were a few snags here and there, but those last few days of projects were killer and I needed my peeps :) 

And then Kimla broke the news. Gillian had called her earlier that day, crying, because she had just found out she was pregnant and she had pneumonia and was terrified of flying and something happening to the baby. She wasn't coming.​

I admit it. I'm a horrible person. The first emotion I had was not joy at the thought of Gil having a baby. It was sadness and frustration that she wasn't coming. And that I had been the last one to find out.

But I swear it didn't take me too long to stop being a jerk and get a little perspective. And then the twelve million happy thoughts of baby names, nursery decorating, baby advice from my nannying years, baby photo shoots, and the like started flooding into mind and I was completely and utterly smitten by this little person I hadn't even met yet.​ And then the countdown started until I'd be able to hold her and hug Gil. Gil, the new Mom.

Here she is, follks. My niece, Roslyn. 


​  I mean, have you ever seen such a cute face? She's adorable, I can't even take it!!! I just want to reach through this computer screen and scoop her up into her favorite spot, her "perch"... 

​^ See?

  Roslyn has a way of winning over everyone she comes in contact with, just ask her cousin Trent :)

  I can't even believe how far we've come, girls. ​Long gone are the days of three wedding banquets a shift, Sparks for breakfast (and lunch), bosses in tears + Lobster Boy giggles. Hello, elementary school, diapers + first home decorating. How did this even happen? What an awesome path we've all walked, and how lucky are we that we get a few companions to walk with? It's crazy. And so good.

  And now, a little note for a new love in my life...

 Dear Rosyln, ​

I think I owe you an apology. Just a mini one, really... Usually, your friend tells you something as amazingly life-changing as "I'm going to have a baby." and you squeal like a girl and start chattering about all of the great things that are about to happen. And for a minute there, I pushed all that happiness back and sulked. Not because I wasn't excited for you, but for my own disappointment that I didn't get the time I needed with your Mom. Silly girl, wasn't I?    Didn't I realize that those days of "friends first" were already over? Didn't I realize that that's exactly how it was supposed to be? And that's what I need you to know. From the very first second that your Mom knew about you, you were her #1 priority. She'd have done anything to keep you safe. No matter what. There was a time when Gil thought she wasn't maternal. But I always told her she was, to just wait and see. And Ros, I really, really love saying "I told you so."  

Love always, ​

Aunt Tiff

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Ashlee, Jared, Adam + Chase

​Perk of the job # 312: watching families grow & change over the years, especially meeting their brand new family members!

​Perk of the job # 312: watching families grow & change over the years, especially meeting their brand new family members!

​And on that note: Meet Chase!

Isn't he a doll? :) ​

Ash and I have been taking pics of her growing family for years now, and I was just dying to meet her new little one. The wait was so worth it! ​ What a sweet family!

Chase has a big brother, Adam. Adam is such a character! And it's crazy how big he's gotten, I swear everyone's growing up so fast! He decided to sport my shades for a shot or two :) ​

But man, when he took the shades off. Miles. O. Lashes!​ I love these kids, so darned cute!!!

Ash, just look at you: Mom to two amazing little boys, future wife of a great family man, Jared. It's really awesome to see. Can't wait to see what's in store for you all. Stay tuned, folks... :)​

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Brinley + Christy Z.

Okay. Where exactly does the time go??? For those of you who have been with me for awhile, you may remember this little peanut, Brinley. Here she is on our first ever photo shoot at The University of Tampa with teeny tiny Brin. ​

Okay. Where exactly does the time go??? For those of you who have been with me for awhile, you may remember this little peanut, Brinley. Here she is on our first ever photo shoot at The University of Tampa with teeny tiny Brin. ​

​  And now... let's flash forward...

Here's Brin at our shoot last Spring! 

(jaw drops) ​Seriously???

And just when you ​get used to this new, older version of that teeny tiny, chubby thighed toddler version of Brin...


Yes, folks.

Brin is now in full-fledged child mode.

Not baby.

Not toddler.


And it's so awesome to be able to have played a tiny role in it all as her personal paparazzi :) 

Christy, Brinley's Mom, had a vision in mind for a country-inspired photo shoot complete with rustic barn and cowboy boots, so that's exactly what we did! Christy found a huge old barn not far from her home, and we may or may not have had to hop a fence and dodge the livestock on property. But aren't the photos cute? ​

I'm sure you're all curious as to where Brinley got all of that beauty. Let's just say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!​ Christy, love the boots!

^ Legs for Days! 

​Christy + Brin, can't wait to see what our next photo shoot brings! All I know is Brinley had BETTER not be taller than me next round. What are you feeding that child???

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Reagan + Claire: Sisters

Every year since moving from Florida, I have made a big effort to drive down in the spring + the fall for photo shoots for my Florida families. This year, I was lucky enough to figure out that a couple of my favorite families now live on my driving route to Florida! A pit-stop in Savannah was definitely in order to catch up with Katie + the girls.

Every year since moving from Florida, I have made a big effort to drive down in the Spring + the Fall for photo shoots for my Florida families. This year, I was lucky enough to figure out that a couple of my favorite families now live on my driving route to Florida! A pit-stop in Savannah was definitely in order to catch up with Katie + the girls.

Aren't they the CUTEST? And check out those watering cans!!! Love. (sigh) We decided to forgo the usual and just stick close to home with the girls and capture them as they truly are, in their own environment. Which I love, of course. If it's one thing I really hope my photos give my clients, it's the feeling that I really SAW each of them as they are and was able to capture who they are in this moment. I hope that years down the road, Katie + Mike are able to look back at these pictures and remember how rough and tumble Claire was, even in that feminine little outfit... or how Reagan is full of energy and loves to be the leader of the group. Love them! 

W9 BLOG.jpg

^ I mean, come on! That is ridiculously cute. Reagan got a big kick out of swinging along with Lady. How sweet! 


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^ This is the reaction you get when your big sister buries herself in her stuffed animal pile and jumps out at her little sister until she's cracking up :) Have I mentioned I love love love my job? 


Oh, these girls. Until next time!  

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Well. This happened!

We did it folks....

We did it folks....








We feel so very grownup! ​

  As a military brat, it's a foreign thing for me to pick out one state, and opt to throw a root or two down, but we're giving it a go!  When we (and by "we" I mean "I") decided that I needed a change of scene from our hometown in Florida, Thor wasn't the happiest of campers to say the least. But he moved, he stuck it out with me and I feel like we're doing pretty well for ourselves these days in this little town. :)​ I'm so lucky to have a man like that in my life. Love that boy.

 This house is still a work in progress, this is the fun part for me of course! Lots of pinning, online browsing, Home Goods perusing, and the like. Good times! Can't wait to show it off to you all as we get it together. In the meantime, here's a little peek: 

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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Roman D.

Ah, the oh-so-fun two year old! I swear, this is one of my favorite ages to photograph! Yes, you do about a million squats as your run around trying to get them to glance at the camera. Yes, you pull out every trick in the book including your freshly Dora-song-loaded iPad + lollipops to keep them engaged. But then you get an image that just shows them in all their two-year-old glory and that moment is just. so. awesome

Ah, the oh-so-fun two year old! I swear, this is one of my favorite ages to photograph! Yes, you do about a million squats as your run around trying to get them to glance at the camera. Yes, you pull out every trick in the book including your freshly Dora-song-loaded iPad + lollipops to keep them engaged. But then you get an image that just shows them in all their two-year-old glory and that moment is just. so. awesome.


Roman's mom, Aftyn, is a friend + coworker and we had been chatting about our photo shoot to celebrate his 2nd birthday. Our last shoot had us stuck under a covered bridge in a hellacious downpour for a good chunk of time, so this time we played it safe and moved the date up by a day to avoid some shifty weather headed our way , and decided to take a photo-session stroll in their beautiful neighborhood. 

Notice that basketball? Well, Roman has a thing for sports. Sports are the center of this little man's universe at the moment, along with Dora the Explorer and his Mom & Dad, of course. Every shot, just about, has Roman carrying around his favorite basketball :) Gotta love a kid who knows what he likes! 

^ How CUTE is this one, am I right? Love his little grin. I'm not a fan of trying to pose kids, I'd rather just hang back with my camera and see what they're going to do, give them a little room to just BE and usually I end up with photos that really let their little personalities shine through. What a doll!

And would you get a load of those gorgeous lashes??? Why is it that boys get the thickest most beautiful lashes and girls get...... mascara. (sigh) 

For the last little bit of our morning together, Roman wanted to show me his new golf clubs, and who was I to argue ;) we headed back to their home and spent a few moments in the beautiful morning light of their living room. Natural light is a photographer's dream! I'm already dreaming up another round of photos in this space! 

​EEP! Cookie Monster hat! Adorable. 


You are too much. Those chocolately brown eyes, that baby face, the joy on your face when you're playing basketball or listening to "I'm the Map" by Boots & Dora :) I love it all. Now I know, at one point in time, all moms have said something along these lines:

Me: "Aww, he's too cute!" 

Aftyn, Roman's Mom: "You want him?" 


Yes, certainly, absolutely, positively, I do!  

Thanks, Aftyn + Roman! I had a blast :)  


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Tiffany Abruzzo Tiffany Abruzzo

Kirra J.

What do  you get when you combine a college choice reveal, dual-birthday celebration, glitter and a food fight??? A big mess and LOTS of fun! That was the name of the game for Kirra's photo shoot with her boyfriend, Joe. SO. MUCH. FUN.

What do  you get when you combine a college choice reveal, dual-birthday celebration, glitter and a food fight??? A big mess and LOTS of fun! That was the name of the game for Kirra's photo shoot with her boyfriend, Joe. SO. MUCH. FUN. And can we just start with saying, Kirra, you are gorgeous!!!​


Beautiful girl! Kirra wanted to get together for a photo shoot to celebrate her 18th birthday, along with her boyfriend's 21st birthday. We decided to meet up at Brunswick Nature Trails for a little nature walk and absolutely gorgeous light. A big reveal was also in store for the shoot, Kirra was accepted into NC State and has decided to attend in the fall. Congrats, and GO Wolf Pack! ​

I'm sure by now you've seen the super cute glitter shots all over pinterest​, and so have I. Love them and can't wait to play around with confetti and other fun materials in future shoots! Kirra and I decided to give it a try, and had a blast trying for that perfect shot! 

Joe bought Kirra cute boots for her birthday, so of course we had to show them off in all their glory! ​

Two Words:​



​How fun :)

We even convinced Joe to give us a little GQ action. Making his debut: Joe & his favorite hat. What a good sport!​

And then... the fun REALLY began! Can I just say that the food fight was an idea I had from the start as a way to ease Joe's "pain" of having to stand around at Kirra's shoot, and I really wanted to showcase how fun these two are as a young couple. While I am not an advocate for cupcakes as WEAPONS, I have to admit it was SO fun watching them battle it out! Hilarious! ​

​Kirra + Joe, you two were a ton of fun. Thanks for the day!

Happy Birthday + Congratulations on NC State!!!

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