2014, Newborn Tiffany Abruzzo 2014, Newborn Tiffany Abruzzo


What better way to start off a new year than snuggling a newborn? I recently spent the day with new parents Laryn & Matt for their maternity shoot in downtown Wilmington seen here. And wouldn't you know, in the blink of an eye, their little baby girl, Jayden, had arrived! 

What better way to start off a new year than snuggling a newborn? I recently spent the day with new parents Laryn & Matt for their maternity shoot in downtown Wilmington seen here. And wouldn't you know, in the blink of an eye, their little baby girl, Jayden, had arrived! 

 (Insert oohs, ahhs and sighs here)


This flag was brought back from Matt's tour in Afghanistan. As a girl who grew up with strong roots in the military family, this image makes me very proud, as I'm sure it will Jayden one day.

 Laryn, you are gorgeous! Matt, with genes like these, you are going to have quite the heart breaker on your hands when Jayden is all grown up :)

 Laryn, you are gorgeous! Matt, with genes like these, you are going to have quite the heart breaker on your hands when Jayden is all grown up :)

 omg. I can't even deal with all the cute. She just was NOT having the sensation of that necklace in her hands, lol! But isn't she gorgeous, even when teary-eyed? And the GUMS. Just stop it. Too cute!


Laryn & Matt, congratulations on your new beautiful baby girl. She's amazing! In just a few months, with any luck, I'll be holding my own baby girl in my arms. Thank you for letting me into that whirlwind that must be the first few days of your little one's life. Until next time! 

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